Nov 26, 2007

Fight Menopause with a Young Black Man

The ladies need love too. Their pleasure is your taboo.

from Reuters, Older white women join Kenya's sex tourists

Would you like new shoes?
Only if you sleep with me
Older white woman

Flip the sex slave script
Rich white horny old women
Is this Africa?

Fuck not for the love
But to feel alive again
Middle-aged female

A Family Drowning

New millennium and we are stilll doing this.

from Reuters, NZ woman drowns, girl's eyes gouged in exorcism

Forty people watched
The pain, the screams, exorcized
Family drowning

Nov 19, 2007

Haiku and Nature

Haikus have to speak of nature with the use of kigo (japanese for nature word). If they don't, then what are these poems I am writing called. Senryu? Any ideas?

Another One Bites the Dust

from, Man dies after police jolt him with stun gun

What’s the difference
Between lasers and tasers?
Much less laser deaths

Sharks with taser guns?
Would electrocute themselves
They are in water

Pull out the Taser
Another man bites the dust
Don’t blame the discharge

The Taser people
spend more money on PR
or on user safety?

Cyclone Hellzone

If I had a wish, that would be for better weather warning systems in Asia.

From, Survivors grieve for cyclone dead

Bangladesh needs help
Mother Nature came calling
Message lost in wind

Hopeless encounter
A country prone to flooding
Monster storm coming

Nov 17, 2007

Are These Posts Haikus or Senryus?

Since I am not speaking exclusively of nature or humanity, these posts can be anything you want them to be. However, most of the poems I have posted so far imply ironic and satirical situations, making them more like senryus than haikus. I think I also focus more on the "ahhhh" moment than the topic itself.

Nov 16, 2007

Über Comet

Get your telescope and check out the solar system's largest object.

From Yahoo! News, Incredible Comet Bigger than the Sun

Comet in the sky
Bigger than the Sun they say
Don’t drink the Kool-Aid

Why I DJ?

Ineffable souls
Euphoric dancing, eyes shut
My inspiration

Nov 15, 2007

Murdoch She Wrote

Judith Reagan shoots a $100 million lawsuit against the NewsCorp empire? Initiating PR machine for major catfighting.

from TheSmokingGun, Judith Regan Sues Murdoch Empire

Judith Reagan bites
The hand that fed her amply
Will she lose some teeth?

Huge conspiracy
Hanging in the tiger’s mouth?
Prepare to get gnawed

Pact with the devil?
Play along or get trampled
Empire will strike


So they say Comcast is curbing the bandwidth of certain applications and/or users on its High Speed Internet service while maintaining the words "unlimited" in their ads . Of course, this isn't the first time it hits the news.

from, link

Blocked applications
Internet traffic bias?
Comcast gets to choose

Comcast Overlord
Threatens with Net katana
Slashing the bandwidth

How many movies
Do you think I can download
Before I get blocked

Nov 8, 2007

New Millenium Control

We live in fish bowls
Internet Panopticon
Smiling big brother

A Tribute to Hans Christian Andersen

Hans who?

Tell me how it feels
To walk in public naked
Clothe-less emperor

Facebook: Marketers Are Your 'Friends'

As expected, nobody can avoid the lure of Marx's ideas on commodification.

from, link

Is your face for sale?
Corporate window shopping
Facebook owns your soul

Marketers download
More private information
Than ever before

Paranoid maybe?
No worries, nothing to hide
Still, very creepy

Beware web posting
You never know who’s reading
Private eye online

Plane lands in South Africa after engine falls off

This is your captain speaking, we seem to have forgotten some luggage on the runway.

from, link

South African jet
In an effort to take off,
Loses an engine

The engine will fall
If I look out the window
Watch what you wish for

Priest arrested on charges of stalking Conan O'Brien

Superbly awkward.

from, link

Speaking of stalkers,
Was Conan an altar boy?
He seems sorely missed

If God was your fan,
Or at least his lackey is
How hard would you laugh?

“Most dangerous fan?”
Rubberneckingly funny
Funky Boston priest

Toy contaminated with 'date rape' drug pulled

This article is going viral, recalls seem quite fashionable in mainstream American media outlets.

from, link

Chinese date rape toy
Doping American kids
So many recalls!

Who is at fault here?
Greedy Gringo Companies
Or Cheap Chinese ones

Dubai court hears French boy's rape testimony

from Reuters, link

In the van you go
Drop your pants and touch your toes
Ass rape in Dubai

Nov 7, 2007

Evolution 51

Ridiculed by peers
Will the elitist monkey
Stand upright, fearless?

Shun non-believers
I select Evolution
There is hope in apes

Call me atheist
But I do believe in God
Not your leaders though

Fuel for the Soul

If I was a car
I would run on happiness
Spreading fumes of joy

Ad This

Corporation dung
Advertisement in your face
Come taste the rainbow

Con the Form

Break the rules
Follow the beat of your drum
Fight conformity


Your space is Myspace
So add my face to Facebook
Do you know your Friends?

Flood for Thought

Christians fear no flood
The oceans rise with prayers
In Noah's ark we trust

On Global Warming...

Deep Blue seas rise up
The icebergs are melting fast
Want to buy a boat?

California Flames

California blaze
Terminator made of steel
Fire still burning


Public Relations Nightmare
Bad Spinach, Popeye


Destructive weapon
Inside Iraq they tell us
So many liars


Welcome to my blog!
Hope to write for a living
Dream laugh cry right here